SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth
“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”
Please click here for a full, international overview of SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth.
How is Boston tracking toward SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth?
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Support these regional organizations
See how Initiative for a Competitive Inner City strengthens inner city economies by providing businesses, governments and investors with the most comprehensive and actionable information about urban market opportunities in the field.
Join the Boston Network for International Development and get connected with groups and individuals in the Boston area who are concerned with issues of international development and global justice.
Apply to MassChallenge, which helps accelerate high-growth startups and harness the value of the startup ecosystem to support leading corporate and government innovators.
Learn about Quincy Community Action Programs’ Financial Reach Center, which helps residents increase their income, build savings, and develop assets.
Get to know MassDevelopment, the state’s finance and development agency that works with businesses, nonprofits, banks, and communities to stimulate economic growth.
Key pieces of legislation
Support these national/international organizations
Keep up to date with the World Trade Organization, a forum for governments to negotiate trade agreements, settle trade disputes, and operate a system of trade rules.
See how International Economic Development Council serves economic developers.
Check out the UN Economic and Social Council which is at the heart of the United Nations system to advance the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental.
Support regional organizations
Get involved with Action for Boston Community Development, a nonprofit human services organization that provides low income residents in the Greater Boston region with the tools and resources needed to transition from poverty to stability and from stability to success.
See how the Center for Teen Empowerment helps low-income, urban youth hone their understanding of the social problems they face and use their talents and skills to create change in their own lives and in their communities.
Check out YOU Boston, a workforce development organization that works with young people who are court-involved or gang-affiliated, reentering the community from incarceration, or seeking a refuge from poverty or violence.
See what’s possible through The Possible Project, a youth entrepreneurship center that teaches students with untapped potential how to start and run their own businesses.
Work with Massachusetts AFL-CIO which serves as the unified voice of all organized workers in the Commonwealth and is a voice for all working people, those in unions and those not yet organized.
Key pieces of legislation
Support these national/international organizations
Help Accion build a financially inclusive world with access to economic opportunity for all.
Join RespectAbility, a nonprofit organization that works collaboratively with employers, entertainment leaders, governors, policy makers, educators, self-advocates, non-profits, faith-based organizations, philanthropists and the media to fight stigmas and advance opportunities.
Be heard through the UN Economic and Social Council Youth Forum, a key platform where young people can contribute to policy discussions at the United Nations through their collective ideas, solutions and innovations.
See how World Hope International provides those in need with opportunity, dignity, and hope so they can possess the tools for change in themselves, their family and their community.
Engage with Youthbuild, which unleashes the positive energy of low-income young people to rebuild their communities and their lives, breaking the cycle of poverty with a commitment to work, education, family, and community.
Support these regional organizations
See how SkillWorks brings together philanthropy, government, community organizations and employers to address the twin goals of helping low income individuals attain family supporting jobs and businesses find skilled workers.
Engage with Boston PIC, which connects Boston residents to promising career pathways, while creating a diverse talent pipeline for local employers.
Learn about Quincy Community Action Programs’ Adult Education and Workforce Development, which give adults the chance to return to school to learn English and improve their literacy skills, to study for the High School Equivalency Assessment Test, and to participate in college and career readiness activities.
See how the Commonwealth Corporation strengthens the skills of Massachusetts youth and adults by investing in innovative partnerships with industry, education and workforce organizations.
Key pieces of legislation
Support these national/international organizations
Work with Partners for Dignity and Rights and help build a broad movement for economic and social rights, including health, housing, education and work with dignity.
Check out the International Labour Organization, which brings together governments, employers and workers of 187 member States to set labour standards, develop policies and devise programs promoting decent work for all women and men.