SDG 14: Life Below Water

“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”

Please click here for a full, international overview of SDG 14: Life Below Water.

Unfortunately, there’s no data for Boston’s performance on SDG 14.


I want to advocate for Life Below Water, where do I start?

Use this template to write to your elected official in support of Life Below Water

Start advocating by picking an indicator that needs your help…


Support these regional organizations

  • Become a member of the Conservation Law Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to ocean protection, climate action, and general conservation of the New England region.

  • Read the NRDC’s report about why Massachusetts is vulnerable to ocean acidification and its impacts.

Key piece(s) of legislation

Support these national/international organizations


Support these regional organizations

  • Support the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit of the New England Aquarium that conducts research to better understand how we can mitigate our impact on the ocean.

  • Read and understand The City of Boston’s plan for a Resilient Boston Harbor.

  • The New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance seeks to increase interest and concern among communities for the endangered or threatened marine species in Massachusetts, particularly in the Cape Cod area. It interfaces with all kinds of organizations to achieve this goal.

Take an everyday action

  • Encourage people with property near coastlines to consider eco-friendly landscaping. The member directory of the Ecological Landscaping Alliance has a great list of suppliers.

  • Stop using single use plastics. Buy a water bottle and reusable silicone bags.

Support these national/international organizations


SDG 13: Climate Action


SDG 15: Life on Land