SDG 4: Quality Education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all..
Please click here for a full, international overview of SDG 4: Quality Education.
How is Boston tracking toward SDG 4: Quality Education?
I want to advocate for Quality Education, where do I start?
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Regional Organizations
City Year Greater Boston seeks to “improve outcomes for students in under-resourced schools” through its partnerships with Boston and Everett public school districts and its own mentors, who are Americorps members.
Boston Opportunity Agenda partners with both public and private organizations to increase successful school outcomes for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade, as well as youth up to age 24 who are “disconnected from education, employment, and training"."
National Organizations
National Dropout Prevention Center conducts research about best practices to reduce dropout rates and develops partnerships to spread awareness of these best practices.
Communities in Schools is an organization that partners with all types of organizations and schools to deliver community support services to schools, especially those that are high-need.
Key pieces of legislation
Regional Organizations
Boston Higher Education Resource Center provides first-generation youth with support and motivation to pursue post-secondary education
National Organizations
College Possible provides students from underserved communities with counseling and mentorship programs from college applications to finishing their degrees.
Key pieces of legislation
Regional Organizations
Check out how the City of Boston’s Office of Early Childhood is working to help current Early Childhood providers expand access to all Boston children under 5 years old.
The Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Initiative, funded by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care provides funding to school districts to develop partnerships between them and local early education centers
New Profit, a venture philanthropy organization, has launched a program ion partnership with the Commonwealth Preschool Partnership Initiative, that funds early childhood education centers.
National Organizations
National Association for the Education of Young Children is an advocacy organization that promotes investment in early education and aids early childhood education professionals as well.
National Association for Family Child Care supports professionals engaged in the family child care sector (early education taking place at an individual family’s home).